The Grand Lady...

When I am in Paris for womenswear fashion week, I don't get to see the Eiffel Tower. Not even a glimpse of her top! :( So on this vacation with my children, it has really been quite a treat to see the grand dame on a daily basis. Even on a rainy day like today-- yes it has been pouring nonstop :(

I'm very poor at photoshopping (my skills are really nonexistent) so you see the strange color graduation in this photo, but she is who she is and she is a beauty-- even in the sporadic rain when this photo was taken.

If you want more photos of Paris-- sights, sounds, and everything in between, please follow me on since I update that account with a lot more photos while I am here in Paris :)  Or you may also add/ follow me through Instagram-- I'm also "TheBagHag" there :)
