On Kissing...

Yesterday was my 11th wedding anniversary and I was not with my husband (he didn't join us on this trip), so I kissed someone (ok fine, something) other than him... at the Louvre, natch! *Can't get any classier and more romantic than that, right? :D*

Ok I almost kissed it. I didn't want to touch it (much more kiss it) and then get the wrath of the old lady who was watching my kids (or me LOL) like a hawk in this great hall of sculptures and sarcophagi within the museum.  I am afraid of being screamed at haha!! (Hellooo, embarrassing :D)

Anyway, hope DH gets a serious kick out of this almost- kiss photo :) Happy Anniversary, DH! 

P.S. And while I didn't exactly fancy kissing this sculpture, my kids never stopped egging me to do it-- and they couldn't stop giggling while the elder DK was taking this shot :) And if that old lady weren't there, I could have done it. Just for kicks. LOL I know, Ewwww right? :D 
