Travelog: Hopelessly Beguiled by Bagan

If these photos of Bagan don't make you want to hop on a plane to visit Myanmar, I frankly don't know what else will (oh yeah, the gems :D).

Myanmar will be full of visitors by 2013 so now is the time to plan your visit (lol I feel like their ambassador here :D).

Here are more photos of Bagan. As I have mentioned in the previous post, Bagan is quite magical. It is not yet as well- visited as Angkor Wat so a lot of the place still remains raw. And that is what was so magnificent about the landscape as well. It's still very clean (you won't see trash on the road). And I really hope it remains that way.

Enjoy some of my favorite photos which I took with my Nikon D40x. There are still so much more I want to share, but I fear I might already flooding you with my photos. So this will do-- for now :) 
Over 2,000 pagodas in Bagan!


Visited a few temples with Buddhas inside-- this is the Dhamayangi Temple

Had to walk barefoot around and inside the temple. It was quite liberating, to be honest :)

Inside, a Buddha

Can you believe that the original Buddha was once made from gold? This one was already reconstructed.

Now here's a wannabe buddha inside the temple LOL. If you are wearing a tank top, you need to cover up when entering temple.
Within the walls of the temple
Another temple visit before we headed to the lookout point for the sunset view above the other pagodas...
Incredible how there are murals painted on walls which date back from the 16th century!
Just about sunset, we went up this pagoda for the view

At sunset

See the beautiful color of the sky against the silhouette of a temple?
And then there was light...
Words cannot begin to tell you how spiritual this trip had been for me. Bagan is perfect for peeps who are seeking that kind of  journey/ vacation. It hardly rains in Bagan compared to Yangon. And it can get pretty hot during the afternoon-- we're talking 40 degree heat at times. The heat can get quite unbearable if you decide to visit temples and pagodas in the afternoon so perhaps a visit to the local market (more on this on my next post) would be more satisfactory, temperature-wise. Then you can head back to the temples (and even take a horse- drawn ride) for the sunset view over Bagan.

I'm grateful too that we had contracted the services of Claudette of CV Travel (+63917 536.8545) for this trip because on our way back to Yangon, we had to make unscheduled layovers to 2 other cities. Other first time tourists became frantic over this because the stops had thrown off their schedules. We, however, were calm because CV Travel has already established and secured very good Myanmar travel connections. So as expected, everything turned out smoothly for us-- I managed to get some sleep on the plane too ;) Bagan is truly incredible. More on the Bagan market tomorrow.
