Happy Anniversary, Lifestyle Asia Magazine!

Sorry I didn't post anything yesterday as I got caught up with running the usual errands + hanging out with the kids :) I am flying out quite soon and I really wanted to watch Madagascar with them (it was a hilarious movie!). Anyway, yesterday also marked the 25th anniversary of the Philippines' top lifestyle, travel, and society magazine, Lifestyle Asia (LA). I'm most impressed with the fact that this magazine is 100% proudly Filipino and is doing incredibly well!

The celebration was held at the Rizal Ballroom of the Makati Shangrila Hotel. The table setting was beautiful. Simply beautiful. I knew that the whole LA team worked extremely hard for this and it really showed.

I managed to catch Lifestyle Asia's brilliant editor Anna S. who looked simply amaaaazing. She has on the most magnificent golden pearl necklace. I couldn't keep my eyes off it!

And my dear neighbor Cheryl who, until last night was working extremely hard to get all the work and preparations done for the night's event despite her being sick with flu! Now that is dedication like no other, and something I highly admire about her.  :)

Cristina, the beautiful Social Editor of LA. We've been running into each other a bit at events of late :)

Was also so happy to see Suki again. It has been awhile since we last saw each other!

Tedrick is the PR man behind One Mega Group, the publisher of Lifestyle Asia. Here was another man so difficult to get a hold of during the event. Am always happy to see him because he never fails to make me smile :)
I told Tedrick I wore my 7++ year old gown (officially vintage). I had a much fuller... upper body then :D

I sat with my friend Ramon and Marbee (from our Ralph Lauren Big Pony Bali trip) and thoroughly enjoyed the night. It was really so great to see so many familiar faces at the party. It has been awhile since I attended one of these formal events (I dread them because I have nothing to wear-- like on this event I decided to wear a dress that I've had with me for over 7 years now) and I was really grateful to have been invited and happy to have been in town for it :)  Here's Cheryl, Uncle Jerry, and Sari of One Mega Group flanked by Marbee and Emil from Manila Bulletin. Fun group!!

There were really soooo many beautiful women and such dapper men at the party (To see who else attended the affair, visit ManilaSocialDiary.Com). The whole program and dinner was impressive. The Lifestyle Asia and One Mega Group did a fantastic job for their 25th anniversary. 

Here's to more success and accolades (they already have a good number of them) in the near future! Congratulations and thank you for inviting me :) !
