Benetton: Unhate!

I love the ad campaign of Benetton entitled "Unhate."  Each vitrine shows a huge picture of world leaders kissing-- I shot this along Blvd. Haussman in Havre Caumartin, Paris. Massive photos for the full effect :)

Talk about breaking down communication barriers!!

Now the only person/ institution completely unhappy with this campaign is the Pope and the Vatican. The Pope was seen in a photo kissing an Imam. According to news, Vatican is planning to file a lawsuit against Benetton for creating and manipulating images of the Pope in that manner and creating such a shocking ad.

My thoughts? Yes, it is a very controversial ad. And Benetton really got their message across. And I do love it. Did I think it disrespected the Pope? Honestly, no because this was the whole point of the ad-- it's about UNHATE. Sure if you look at the Pope and Imam photo without the caption "Unhate,' it might have been easier to label it as disrespectful. I honestly loved the whole campaign because imagine this-- that there is one day out of the whole year where everyone has no enemies (because everyone kisses and makes up), there is no fighting, there is no war somewhere. There is no hatred. It would've been a perfect world-- even for just a day :)

Have a great day! Spread the love! 
