"Follow the Chickens"

A few days ago, I was very pleased to receive a personal copy of "Before Ever After", a book written by celebrated Filipina author, Samantha Sotto.  
Photographed it with my favorite charm necklace by Daphne OseƱa Paez :)

Thank you so much, Samantha! 
"Follow the chickens," she wrote.

Before I delve into the topic of today's post, I want to congratulate the author first :). The book is riveting, and I could not even put it down when I began reading it, bringing it with me into the heated yoga room as I waited for my class to start. I enjoyed the book thoroughly as it had taken me on an intercontinental journey with the main character-- from places like Venice, to Paris, to Ljubljana, and then to Boracay (Philippines),  it had me eagerly anticipating the next "revelation". *Oh yeah, it helped heaps too that I have been fortunate enough to have been to a few of those places :)*

One particular word about the book had made me guffaw out loud: Raisins. Now, you'll only know why if you read the book. I laughed at it because I think that word (in the book's context) makes a lot of sense when it comes to relationships nowadays :)

I will not bore you further with a lengthy review of the book because there are enough raving online reviews about it *all of them accurate!*-- now go buy the book at BARNES and NOBLE onlineicon (or at National Bookstore in the Philippines).

Now, I go "Follow the Chickens". Yes, I couldn't resist segueing into a chicken story after I had read Samantha's personal dedication. But boo, no there is no connection to the book (although it would've been hilarious if there was one :D).  So here goes!

Over Easter Sunday, my children won little chicks as prizes during an Easter egg hunt contest :) Those little chicks back in April have grown into adult domestic fowls.  A.k.a. Chickens :)  There were 5 initially. But now there are only 3 left...

The 2 chickens are most comfy in our outdoor furniture

Chucky (we ended up calling him Chuck) *or at least I think this is Chuck. I mean, how can you tell who is who? It's not like he's got a mole or some kind of birth mark hahaha*

This could get gross, but shall I delve into what happened to "the others"?


So two flew away, presumably to the house beside ours. I dared not report them lost. We're technically not really allowed to umm... grow livestock where we live. *Tsk, don't worry I am not raising pigs here-- other than myself hahaha* (Ok don't be a smartass and report me now hahaha. My kids love these chickens so don't even think about it! LOL)

This is actually not the first time we have had chickens. *Warning you already hehehe* About 2 years ago, we had 8 chickens-- that went down to 2 *mmm... kids had them hahaha*. I don't know if you'll still recall that story about my dog Elvis and those 2 chickens named Chuck and Hercules roaming around freely in our garden as friends during one stormy day ( haha but in front of us, they were all mortal enemies). Whatever happened to them?

Well, you know roosters. They crow. A lot. Everyday, the chicken coop would be moved from one place to another (to different parts of our house-- outdoor), just so none of the neighbors could triangulate which house had those annoyingly loud, crowing chickens!

One day, we got caught. Security rang our doorbell asking if we had fighting cocks LOL. Umm, hello, do I look like a cockfighter to you? *Blinks* Errr, ok forget I asked, don't answer that because I know you're not thinking along the same lines as I hahaha *thwaps you*. Anyway, so we were left with no choice but to say we did have chickens but no they're not for cockfighting. We were told one of the neighbors had complained about the crowing. :( That night, we had no choice but to address the issue. Confession: Ok so I was the bad guy. I told our cook that something had to be done (I was vague, ok?).

About two to three nights later, we were served this:
Tinolang Manok (Chicken Soup) *photo credit: Google Images*

I drank my soup *it was sooo good*, but then stared at the chicken drumstick that was left. So I called our cook into the dining room. "Bakit naman payat ng manok bili mo sa palengke? Di ba dami naman manok doon na mas taba?" (Why did you buy a skinny chicken from the market? Aren't there meatier chickens being sold there?)

She replied "Ay hindi ho yan galing palengke. Si Hercules ho yan." (Oh, that's not from the market! That's Hercules!)

I almost barfed.

I was so grossed out. I had eaten the chicken which grew up in our backyard! *Barfs* (Ok technically I had the essence of Hercules, but not Hercules himself lol) It was still pretty ruthless :( I do eat chicken but from the market, and NOT from our own backyard! (I'd gladly let others eat them but oh dear Lawrd, not me please! Hahahaha) I know our own chickens are way healthier than the chickens you buy at the grocery store, but *shudders*, isn't it so morbid?!?! *Murderer!!!* LOL

I pushed the soup away from me and just told our cook never to serve me the chicken from our backyard again. (It's so cruel, my kids had Hercules too but had no idea it was him! Boohoo!! lol) Now, if only our chickens were hens, I'd have benefited from the eggs they'd theoretically lay *wait, can they lay eggs even without mates??*, but no thanks even if I were to be offered Hainanese- style chicken from our roosters *balk*. I'd rather order from Chef Stevie Villacin, thank you! Lol :D 

So now, we have those 3 remaining chickens left, and this time I am really hoping that we get to keep them as pets. Our next door neighbor's house is unoccupied so we are not disturbing them anymore each morning *hahaha*.'

And that's it for today's story, of  how I "followed" *and am still following* the chickens :)  Now, shush and don't tell Security about them :) *You are all now held accountable for my kids' happiness, so keep our remaining chickens safe from the chopping block! LOL*


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