Travelog: Bagan Wares

On the way to the local market, I managed to capture this photo which has since become one of my favorite Bagan images. 

We passed by a lacquer factory. Quite amazing to see how lacquered wares are actually made of. Here's a quick process of how they are made:

They start with either weaving horsehair (yes, those black "strings" are horse hair)

Or just layering strips of thin wood together (bamboo in this case) -- no glue was used by the way. Incredible to watch a bowl being made.

The finished product goes through a lacquer process where it gets coated with a black substance which resembles rubber. 

It takes the men over 10 coats of lacquer before they get sent over to the ladies who etch designs into each bowl/ tray.

Different dye colors are used for layering the different colors into each piece-- and at times, gold leaf is used. See below.

It then goes through a washing/ polishing process-- so you see it go from a yellow color to a shiny gold color :)

Of course the process is a LOT more complicated and technical than how I had described it, but that's the short version of it ;) 

And then the finished products are sold in the next door store :)

If you get the chance, you should get a few pieces as souvenirs to take home or to give to friends or family. It's nice to support their local industry this way. And after you see the laborious process of creating a lacquered tray or bowl, you will really end up appreciating the product a whole lot more. I know I do now :)
