Diet? What Diet?

Can I tell you something about food and eating? I hate going on a diet. Those who know me well know that the one thing I can never deny myself of is good food. So instead of depriving myself of food that is deemed fatty for when I need to trim down-- and this is not so much for aesthetics as it is for my actual health, I find food that is still tasty but less "sinful". So let me tell you my food and well, "diet" story.

Two years ago, I tipped the scales at a little over 130 lbs and am  5'8"+ (about 173cm) in height. While studies will tell you that the weight I have for my height is within the healthy range, I can tell you this-- my cholesterol was way over the safe limit and I was feeling very sluggish all the time. I knew that I was not eating healthy-- I still remember that conversation I had with my doctor over my having binged on fast food steak rice on a daily basis. My doctor proclaimed that good steak eaten in moderation would not have spiked up bad cholesterol that fast. I can tell you now that my cholesterol level went from safe levels, to dangerous levels in a matter of months as a result of that binge. 

I love beef too much to give it up. I still go to my usual burger joints, but fast food steak rice I had given up completely. I read up a bit on eating for your blood type and though I rarely ever strictly prescribe to suggested regimens, I did take into consideration that for my blood type, I cannot have too much red meat. :(

So I went through a gradual lifestyle change-- and each time I feel sluggish again and feel "heavy" (not because of weight gain), I would strictly follow this regimen and I swear by it because it has worked so well for me:

Breakfast would consist of granola with lowfat milk, a banana and perhaps also lowfat yogurt. I had to do away with my favorite Lucky Charms or Cocoa Pebbles cereal which I would often share with my kids (haha they're only too happy to stop sharing their cereal).

For the big meals like lunch and dinner, I only eat Chef Stevie's (STV) Fresh Vietnamese Rice Rolls 15pcs. which I order at least 2 days in advance.  (Each tray has 15 rolls and is priced at PhP 1,050.)

I would have anywhere from 2 pieces to 5 pieces per meal. Haha I went through 8 pieces at one time.

Here is the clincher though-- I DO NOT dip the rolls in the provided peanut sauce (even if I was soooo tempted to do it because it tasted so good). Yep. This is the "diet" part of it. I had to forego the sweet sauce. It was gradual though, giving that up. In the end though, it was still quite good because there is already a hint of salt on each roll. You might say that the rolls do not contain enough nutrients. But not so. Each roll contains: Shrimp (shellfish), Pork (meat), leafy greens, vermicelli and that rice paper (starch). Almost every food group is present :)

So that's what I have for lunch and dinner. In between meals though, I go for unsalted cashew nuts or almonds or if I want to indulge, I get Mrs. May's products like the cashew crunch

I don't go without exercise every other day as well-- I think you need to complement your "diet" with exercise to make staying healthy all the more "effective." Every other night of walking at least 2K, followed by ab crunches (3 sets of 10 reps each) and leg raises have helped me a lot as well.

And I hate drinking water but I found it helpful to drink a lot of liquids-- fresh fruit juices (hold the sugar) and water are good. Lastly, I never forget to indulge myself as well. I don't just eat this forever. I go for a tray of Chef Stevie's Vietnamese Fresh Rolls until I consume them all, then probably go for another tray for another period. And the rest in between is maintenance and A LOT of discipline :)

I can tell you this though, after having strictly followed what I had just shared with you, I have felt so much lighter, so much healthier, and oh yes, the consolation of having lost over 10 lbs!!! :) And oh, by the way, you should always allow yourself a cheat day or two. But again, eat whatever that sinful treat is in MODERATION :) That's really the key to maintaining good health and a proper diet. And exercise :)

You can pre-order Chef Stevie Villacin's Vietnamese Fresh Rolls through (+63906) 508.4155. Unsalted nuts (cashews and almonds), granola/ muesli cereals are available in supermarkets. Mrs. May's almond/cashew crunch should also be available in select food stores.

So there you have it, my not-really-a-diet secret that I am now sharing with you all :) Hope you enjoyed today's post!
