Travelog: Edinburgh Accommodations and Sights

Been in and out of hotels the last week or so and by far the best hotel for me was back in Killarney, Ireland (I slept there best). And then of course Dromoland Castle, Ireland-- no explanation necessary :D 

I was not too pleased with the hotel situation in Glasgow, but then that was apparently the best hotel there is, after having gone around the city in search of a better one (you know, for the future :D).

At Edinburgh, we stayed at the Sheraton. It's a very well- renovated hotel albeit a bit far from the shopping areas of the city proper (Princes Street and George Street).  I did love my room though.

And the bathroom. The bathroom light comes in different colors-- according to your mood! This was a first for me so I had to blog about it :D
It was quite funny actually-- you can choose from yellow, orange (seen here), red, cool water blue, garden green, and sky blue. Take your pick! I chose cool water blue in the end :) 

Anyway after spending a nice time inside the room (jumping up and down the bed... haha just kidding-- although the thought crossed my mind), we went around Edinburgh.

See that castle in the distance?  It's the Edinburgh Castle. Originally meant as a royal residence, it was later turned into a military base. A fortress! 

This the Palace of Holyrood House (people know this more as the Holyrood Palace). When the Queen is in town, she uses this palace. More recently, this was also where Zara Phillips, the daughter of the Princess Royal stayed with the royal party when she married rugby player Mike Tindall :)

And this last photo (at least for now) is perhaps best known as the inspiration for J.K. Rowling's Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the famous Harry Potter series! This "castle" is actually Fettes College-- yes, a real school! :)

The origin of this school is actually so interesting--  this was founded by Sir William Fettes and was meant to school the underprivileged, orphan boys, and the little "street urchins" of Edinburgh-- for free :) Today, it's a private school that provides quality education for the childen of wealthy families. How the times have changed!

Anyway that's all for today. I need to get some sleep as I have strangely developed a sore throat! :( More soon, peeps! Promise!  With the exception of our incomprehensible English- speaking Chinese guide (I still have no clue why she was assigned to us since we were not native Chinese speakers, and more strangely, I have no clue why after she was replaced she still chose to stay with our group-- she became a tourist like us LOL *apparently our Scottish driver later tells us, this guide has NOT even been to all the places we were going to!! LOL!*), everything went well in Edinburgh. The city is truly beautiful!
