Bag Review: Chanel Baluchon Bag

It has been awhile since I last wrote about Chanel bags. Honestly it's because apart from the classic flaps and the occasional runway bags, nothing in the collection has been really of great interest to me. Call me jaded, but the Chanel love just hasn't really been there ever since I had trouble with one of their bags in recent years. I had a vernis patent Chanel classic flap bag that was just kept in its black dustbag for over 2 weeks (it was brand new at the time) and when I decided to use it for the very first time, I saw that there was already color transfer from the black dustbag to the patent leather. And sadly the patent leather was bright pink. So it was really plain for all to see. I did check the bag before it got wrapped when I had bought it from the store, and those "spots" were not there at the time.

Anyway, I ended up having to send the bag back to headquarters in Paris after speaking to my sales associate about it. This was where my problem with them began. The bag was not sent back to the store, but was sent to one of their after- sales offices. And it took the point person quite some time to acknowledge receipt of the bag (I had actually thought the bag got lost or it went into the wrong hands) and that really pretty much discouraged me from getting another Chanel bag. I did get full store credit for the bag by the way (but haha obviously no reimbursement for the countless phone calls I made to their headquarters at the time just to confirm if my bag was received-- and no one was able to tell me if my bag was received or not-- so just imagine how stressful that time was), so there was after- sales service. It was just not as good as I had expected. I did have high hopes. Anyway that was an incident which happened almost 2 years ago, and today, I write about Chanel once more.

The Baluchon bag caught my attention. 

I thought I was over the logo- a- gogo craze of Chanel but apparently not quite yet. I love the signature chain straps on this bag. It's wrapped like a tiny little package and well, I like nice packaging :D

I also quite like the fact that this bag reminded me of the Chanel bags from the early 90s. I do wonder though how this bag can be "functional" because each time your phone rings, you'd have to unravel the chain strap. That inconvenience aside, I think I wouldn't mind owning the bag at all. It is really cute. And very nostalgic 90s Chanel :D 
