The Fashion Week Diet

So y'all know what happens during fashion week-- everyone's on a diet! Diet = hardly any food or no food intake at all LOL. Ok it's not really because people starve for fashion week (ok many do-- I do this too sometimes-- especially if I can't fit into what I have to wear LOL). It's because the schedule is so hectic and stressful-- no time to eat!  And well when we do eat, we have salad. Or something light and super fast.

But hoooo no, not tonight for this gurl! Bryan and I dined at our favorite haunt, Charleston.
Taken with the Olympus Pen Mini

and we had Bistecca alla Fiorentina! With rucola salad. Mmmmm...
Fashion and Food Mixed tonight. LOL
This was the very reason why I couldn't zip up my dress earlier (I abandoned the thought of ever getting into it without ruining the seams LOL). Oh well, a gurl's gotta eat LOL!

And for dessert,

Taken with the Olympus Pen Mini

By the way, I have been playing with the Olympus Pen Mini and you might notice the different variations in color for the photos-- it's pretty incredible, this camera does SO much!!
With "dramatic" effects
I just have to say, it looks like the OLYMPUS Pen Mini is my new favorite camera to play with in between shows! Expect some more artsy food shots  :)

Now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow's the first day of Milan Fashion Week. First show, Gucci :) Stay tuned!!
