How to Color- Coordinate Your Wardrobe with Your Bag...

Hi folks! I'm so sorry I wasn't able to write a proper post today as I was nowhere near my laptop the whole day to have written something. What made it worse is that my Blackberry phone (which I have been so close to hurling across the room) hasn't been cooperative and has been releasing a series of error messages-- that, coupled with the questionable 3G service of my telecom provider made for a nearly internet-less day. And yes, I was almost going into withdrawal LOL. 

Anyway, let me just make this quick and repost my story for my Philippine Daily Inquirer column today as I think that this topic is a valid one. Believe me, I too, have difficulty with color- coordinating!

Read the full story HERE on the Philippine Daily Inquirer's online edition.   Hope you enjoyed it. Will do a good post for you all tomorrow. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy your Friday and get to do some "unwinding!" It was a long week for me and I look forward to the weekend for some much- needed R & R :)
