Food Blog: Cafe Publico, Greenhills

I don't have a sweet tooth. Not really. Unless the sweets I have tasted are really, really good. And then I binge LOL. I know it's not exactly healthy, which is also why I make sure to get some kind of exercise done now *hola, I am no spring chicken anymore LOL*.

Last December 2011, our friend Peter's own gelato place finally opened. I have always liked Peter not only because he is really a fun person to hang out with, but also because he is so creative and really brilliant. I take so much inspiration from this guy. So when he invited us over to his place called Cafe Publico, I expected excellence. Because ever since I have known Peter, I have never been disappointed.

True enough, Peter proves his brilliance and creativity in Cafe Publico.

Located at the 2nd floor of The Promenade in the Greenhills Shopping Center in Manila (wedged between Gerry's Grill and Little Asia), this not-so-little "cafe" transported me back to Italia! And Peter singlehandedly designed the interiors of the cafe as well. (Note to self: Ask Peter to work on the interiors of my phantom house one day LOL)

I loved the details of this place!
From the outdoor "welcome" mosaic

The counter top

Little touches like these
The faux windows with storm shutters
How clever to have that chess table and that "cathedral" door :)
An ice cream cart for a counter! *Peter, I want one of these!!!* :D

Ok enough about the ambiance, let's talk about my favorite gelato flavors :) One thing I know about Peter when it comes to food, he never scrimps on ingredients so the flavors are sure to be excellent-- we're talking superior quality here!

Mmmmm.... !!!!

I loooved how this peppermint candycane flavored gelato was renamed Toothpaste. Apparently a little boy named Paolo loved the flavor so much because it reminded him of his favorite toothpaste LOL! And though I raised my eyebrow at the thought of having toothpaste- flavored gelato, this flavor is actually a bestseller!!! :) And yes, it was very refreshing, and very good!! :D 
Hilarious name! But it's no laughing matter-- because it's a bestseller!!  :)
 One of the newest flavors,  this Cream for the Gods gelato tastes like cookie dough with cookie crumbs and chocolate :) Very creamy!!

This is really sooo sinful and soooo good! It's one of those flavors that you should get if you want to reward yourself. I love it-- it's so rich! Undeniably Ferrero! 

Always my favorite, Thai Milk Tea!  *Also the favorite of many!*

Another crowd favorite, the Chocolate Fudge. I was surprised that this flavor was quite light and not as sweet! It's chocolate fudge without the guilty feeling of having chocolate fudge! VERY good!

My other favorites include the Swiss Alps (milk and mint flavor) which feels very light and refreshing, and Peanut Butter & Jelly. You HAVE to try Peanut Butter & Jelly. I was honestly not a big fan of Peanut Butter but wow, this flavor made me crave for seconds!! There I was thinking I should hold back on having seconds (haha I felt guilty) when I saw this young man happily digging into his large cup full of gelato!

I asked him "Can you finish THAT?!" He said without hesitation "Of course!!!"

And his beautiful sister named Emmanuelle (I love that name! *Nice to meet you!*) also took to a large cupful of gelato!
Ahhh to be young and have a large cup of gelato! Heaven :)

It was a sign to have my 2nd cup. So yes, I did end up with 2 cups of gelato.  And who served it for me? Peter, of course! Haha, that's Service with a capital S :)

Now, if you don't have a sweet tooth (or you haven't discovered that you do), you can also try the new pastas (I have yet to try them) or the savoury crisps and dips that they offer. May I recommend the Chicken Liver Paté with breadsticks *I had 2 orders of those on my last visit LOL*. 

Cafe Publico is located on the 2nd floor of the Promenade, Greenhills Shopping Center-- in between Little Asia and Gerry's Grill. For more information, call (+632) 919- 0519,  follow Cafe Publico on Twitter, and like them on Facebook!
