My Christmas Gift :)

I've gotten presents from my loved ones, and then I've gotten presents from my husband. LOL. Ok so I admit I can be a total ingrate when it comes to him. I mean, come on, your husband is supposed to know you best and get you something that you realllllly like, right? Not something that he likes that he hopes you'd like (or hopes that you'd dislike enough to say back to him "you can have it" LOL). I've gotten the strangest Christmas gifts from my husband, one of them I remember all too clearly. Brace yourself because you will probably laugh out loud like I did when I first received it. And no, to him this was NOT a joke LOL!!

I received a 3- piece VHS boxed set for the movie, ALIEN *and the sequels*. LOL!!!
Photo credit: Google Images
I know, you're thinking that it was just a prank that my husband played on me. That there must've been a more meaningful, romantic gift aprés the joke gift. I can tell you it was not. I laughed out loud when I first received it. Then I got peeved and angry (LOL yes I am bratty) after I found out he was dead serious that this was his gift to me.

I don't know which was worse-- receiving a blender for a gift *even if it wasn't a Christmas gift* (from the movie, Father of the Bride), or receiving a boxed set for the Alien series. Man, what did he think I was, a friggin' alien?! LOL!!!

How did this gift come about? Well over a discussion, I mentioned casually that I had never seen any of the Alien movies. At all. To which he answered (and he was bewildered by my not having seen it), "I can't believe you've never seen Alien! It's a cult classic." I just nodded and said "yeah yeah yeah that and a million other mind- blowingly fantastic movies that I missed."

I didn't think he'd take it serious enough to make me watch it. And duuuuude, in VHS format? I mean, seriously? LOL come on!!! LOL

I suppose he has been traumatized since then and has allowed himself to tell me (rather unromantically and rather practically) that this is his budget for me, and he hopes that X amount would be enough to buy myself a gift. Because, he says, if it were up to him to buy me another gift, he'd probably end up getting me some electronic gadget which he knows better to operate than I do.  That or he'd get me a bag which I'd rather not he do, because he might end up getting me a bag that I'd never carry (simply because the man is really clueless about the things I like LOL!)

And so this Christmas 2011, I dropped hints about what I liked-- thinking perhaps this 10th year of being married to me, he'd finally get it...
LOL. We walked by Cartier and I remarked, "I really, really want that watch *points to rose gold ballon bleu*. I don't need a diamond- studded version but I'd love it in a larger size.  I normally don't care for watches. But that watch, I really, really want to have." *Complete with longing voice*

I quickly looked over his way, hoping to elicit some kind of a positive response. After all, we didn't get to spend our 10th year wedding anniversary anywhere-- he did plan something initially but after finding out about the insanely high plane fare which would take us to his planned destination, the trip was scrapped altogether. No follow- up trip after.  Boohoo.  So I figured, maybe he'd say yes to buying me this nice watch, right? LOL

Guess what, silence greeted my remarks about the watch! :D

Drat, I guess I can't throw in that I wouldn't have minded this Cartier necklace over the watch too eh? Tsk this woman has some material needs that need to be met! LOL!
Gorgeous gorgeous emeralds and sapphires! Not as magnificent as Liz Taylor's rocks, but this'll do too :D LOL

Anyyyyyway, I am going to stop harping like a sick little brat now because DH did end up paying for something I really, really liked :)  And no, it's NOT the DVD boxed set of Alien :D (I did end up watching those 3 movies with him by the way hahaha- darnit, his gift turned out to be something I did "use" after all lol)

Here is my Christmas gift from Dear Hubby :) 

An Elsa Peretti gold "Diamonds by the Yard" bracelet from Tiffany :)

DH has since redeemed himself, but hahaha, I shall never forget that Christmas he gave me that VHS boxed set :D In fact, it's still sitting pretty on our video shelf-- and that VHS machine has since died. His friggin' gift outlived the machine that was meant to play it LOL!  So I guess the VHS boxed set gift is going to work quite nicely as a DVD/ book shelf end :)

How about you? How did your Christmas celebration go, and what did you receive? :)  *I'd actually want to know what was the worst gift you have received hahaha*

And lastly, woohoo don't forget tomorrow is Boxing Day :) SALE everywhere!!!
