Merry Christmas from The Bag Hag :)

I know, I know, this is rather pathetic to produce a Christmas photo for you all, taken from a tree that doesn't come from my own home. I mean come on, I can't possibly fit a tree this big inside my house, so let's just make do with the beautiful and majestic tree from my 2nd home (and favorite mall)-- Rockwell Power Plant Mall :)

One day to go before I head off to Singapore with my mom, siblings, and my family for our annual Christmas vacation, so I am taking this opportunity now to greet you all a Merry Christmas, and also to thank you all for reading and supporting my blog all these years. Because of this blog, I have met so many of you, and you have allowed me to learn from you as well. For that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you! 

Hope you all have a fantastic and a blessed Christmas with your loved ones and family!!
