Food Blog: Tonkatsu Ma Maison, Singapore

In the last four days of being in Singapore, I had gained 4 lbs. It should come as no surprise anymore, really. Because I have chosen eating over shopping while in the Lion City. Funny thing is, I haven't been eating Chinese food. I've been eating a lot of Japanese food!

One of those Japanese restaurants is Tonkatsu Ma Maison. Now, I've tried a few tonkatsu *breaded and deep friend pork cutlets* places, even ones that have been recommended by friends who lived in Tokyo. Japan is an entirely different place altogether for tonkatsu and ramen, but for Singapore, I have to say Ma Maison was topnotch. We had to wait nearly an hour for a table-- well, there were also 15 of us in the group haha. Yes, we're one biiiig happy family! There is really nothing like spending the holidays with my children, my husband, my siblings and the kids, and my lovely mom. Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy :)  

Ok back to Ma Maison (funny too, since those 2 words are actually in French :D Ma Maison stands for "My House")

Not a very big place-- the restaurant was separated into 2 sections

This was the main section

Long lines every night!!

Special Rice that I didn't try because I was trying to taper my carbs intake. Tsk.

We ordered both the pork fillet and the pork loin. The fillet is supposed to be leaner than the loin, but had to try anyway :) Sometimes the fattier ones taste better haha. Sad but true :D

Sat beside the sake shelf

And then the orders came just as our stomachs growled loudly while watching the chefs deep frying tonkatsu

Pork fillet:

Breaded and deep fried oysters-- yes, they don't just serve pork here :)

The cross section of the pork loin. Mmm it was fatty!!!!

A cross section of my pork fillet, which I couldn't resist instagr.amming :)
Look at the meat! It was melt-in-your-mouth good! Try the spicy sauce... Mmmmm....!!!

Verdict? Tonkatsu Ma Maison is definitely worth a second and third visit! Hopefully the next time I can have a bowl of that special multi-grain rice to go along with the meal haha ;) But I was very satisfied this time around because I had the shredded cabbage salad and radish with the house soy dressing (haha lesser evil compared to the other dressing). I also highly recommend the sesame dressing-- it was sinfully goooood!!!

Tonkatsu Ma Maison is located at the 2nd level #35/36 Mandarin Gallery, along Orchard Road. Call +65 6733 4541 for more information. It's really worth the wait!! 
