Travel to Bhutan?

Bhutan is my photographer friend (and mentor) Patrick Uy's territory when it comes to travel to that country. I wrote about his first travel experience in Bhutan on the Philippine Daily Inquirer when he was there to cover the coronation of Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck.

Patrick Uy and his wife Evelyn

Patrick has organized a few trips back to Bhutan with his friends and clients ever since. I've been wanting to join his trip/ tour since I've heard so much about it but sadly I still haven't found the time to do it :(  And then before long, I saw the Royal Wedding photos on his Facebook account and could only drool of envy *wished I was there for it!!*

Sharing some of his amazing photos here.

Photo by Patrick Uy

Photo by Patrick Uy

Photo by Patrick Uy

I'd really looove to go to Bhutan very soon. Patrick Uy organizes these tours and I think the next one is in February 2012. Who wants to go, seriously? I'm thinking of taking the travel plunge! And for those of you who want to join and are interested, you can contact Patrick Uy directly by emailing him at  :)
