RIP Steve Jobs

I was floored when I went online to blog about Louis Vuitton. Because Steve Jobs has died. I just cannot not write about him because I am typing from a MacBook Pro. I've been an Apple/ Mac user since 1992. It has changed my life. Apple products have in fact, changed billions of lives. Steve Jobs is a visionary. A genius.

So today, I just want to post a photo of him here taken from the Apple site. Like everyone, I only have the utmost respect for the man who has drastically changed the world of computing and technology. He has made my life easier-- and better. 

taken from

Today, Steve Jobs has not only made me appreciate all that he has done to make me live my life in a more efficient way, but he has also made me realize that life is too short to be upset, angry, unhappy, sad, bitter, mad, hateful. And while there will always be those "bad" days, there is no reason to let it affect one's life. It's not easy to be negative *because it takes a lot of energy to be negative*, but it's so much harder to be positive. He has brought up the concept of "being positive" and being productive despite his cancer, a debilitating disease that would really end his life so soon. Too soon. But there was no voice of regret in public, and he has given so much hope to so many. That is not hypocritical. That is honorable. And it's not easy to have to face the public that way with a hopeful, positive, and brave face.

Steve Jobs is an example of positivity and hope. That in times of adversity, you will still see the light at the end of the tunnel. That if he had any regrets or perhaps anger or bitterness towards this cancer which he knew would end his life sooner than expected, never once did he show it. He was a beacon of hope. And having that much positivity takes so much effort. And there's nothing fake or hypocritical about being positive all the time. It's called being hopeful. So let that be an example to us all. Stop the negativity and just sit back and learn to accept and appreciate what life throws you. And if you can do something to change it for the better and for the betterment of others and if it doesn't hurt you or hurt anyone else to do it, why not take the chance and do it.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma-- which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs.

Rest in peace, Steve Jobs. And thank you.
