Mile High Shower Club?

I managed to get a lot of rest post- fashion week because I flew the Emirates Airline back home and got an upgrade to First Class on the A380. It was a 7 hour flight to Dubai from Paris. 
You get your own little vanity mirror desk with matching lights :)
Unparalleled leg room
My handbag and a cabin luggage fit right into the space, and there was plenty leg room still!

I was in great hands with these two wonderful cabin crew members. Topnotch service!!
Bing and James

On the leather- bound menu, a lot of food choices from starters

to entreés and desserts!

Ahhh if only I could travel this way all the time. It's a treat when I get upgraded to first class. A reaaaallly nice treat :). I just can't resist documenting it here on the blog each time this happens-- because it does not happen often at all! So allow me, please!

After reviewing the menu (and wanting almost everything in there), I actually decided against having that nice meal because truth it be told, I was just so very tired-- yes, too tired to eat. I just wanted to get some uninterrupted sleep. Two straight fashion weeks in 2 cities had been a blast, but it was very, very tiring work. It may not seem too obvious (because in the end, those who love their work don't consider their work, "work"!), but people who were there to attend the shows really worked their buns off. So after fashion week was over, everyone had to head back home to file even more work- related materials, and also to recover!

I chose to experience the onboard "spa" shower over food. I'd like very much to be part of the Mile High Shower Club, please :)

Yes, I managed to convince myself to shower from 38,000 feet above- ground. I figured I might as well do it-- it's not often that one gets to do that. And oh yeah, I already began praying that there would be no turbulence even before I took that shower. I can't imagine having to run out naked, mid-shower *dripping wet with soap suds all over* just to go back to my seat and "buckle up"! *Ok, seriously traumatized at the thought of having to do that  LOL*

I sneaked my iPhone inside the shower/spa lavatory *or whatever that place is actually called... Shower Spa is it*. I'm sure Bing was wondering why I was talking to myself while inside. I loved the shower/spa lavatory. It's really "chic". Yes, chic (I can throw an intimate party in there and be proud of the place lol). It's actually arguably better than our EU apartment's toilet-- it's better equipped! :) Anyway, I managed to take a short video of my experience post- shower. It's unedited, sorry-- I am no professional video editor, so please understand why it's so "raw". I just wanted to share the experience with you and take you on this toilet "tour" :) Oh and yes, you just might see me covered in a towel (a nice, thick towel, I might add lol). Eeps censored, sorry! I didn't bother changing into the Emirates PJs before I decided to take this video because I was honestly too excited to start recording post- shower as it had really been a rather unique experience! I hope you all enjoy watching this :)

Incredible experience worth repeating again, I reckon :)

Shower over, I went to sleep and sleep I did throughout the rest of the flight until I was awakened because we had already begun our descent into Dubai!

Happy Sunday, everyone!!
