Grab It or Someone Else Will!

Been eyeing a Celine Nano Luggage although I know I won't fit anything in the bag. I also know I never wanted it in black. By the way the only Celine Nano I've seen is a black one.

Until this...

My money shot!!! :D She made a beeline for it after I dropped "her" (the nano) back on the shelf

I did not buy the bag I lusted for. That lady did. Caught in the act hahaha. Do you know how it feels when after you've let the bag you wanted go and then someone immediately buys it? OUCH! Ok that was my major sacrifice. I didn't buy the bag because I can't afford it. For serious. You see, I've not exactly been good with expenses of late so I need to budget whatever's left of my savings or I'll have to file for bankruptcy. *Gulp, and that's no joke-- Christmas is in a few months! I need to set aside money for gifts to my godkids hahaha*

Now, do you know what it's like when you are forced to make a quick decision because it becomes evident that if you let the bag (or whatever that thing you're holding onto is) go, someone else will make a beeline for it? And then you're forced to buy it, thinking there is NO way you'll let the bag go to the next person who clearly wants it more than you do LOL? Come on peeps, fess up. You know you've done it-- buy something that you were not 150% sure of just because you were not selfless enough to let it go to someone else hahaha...

Today, I actually honestly believed that was what happened to this woman. I hesitated initially but I did let the gorgeous python Nano go after I was satisfied with taking it for a spin within the confines of the Celine boutique. And that lady shopper in the photo was hanging around while I was hanging out with the Nano. After a while, I put little miss Nano back on the shelf and walked away (and then I watched + photographed the lady shopper going for the bag in less than 30 seconds haha). When she picked the nano up, I went back into the shop, stole a few glances her way because I wanted to know if she will purchase the nano. Deep inside, I knew though that there was no way she'd let the bag go (especially with me around again hahaha). *Sinking feeling, but ahhh let me remind myself this was a good financial sacrifice not to buy haha*

CORRECT I was! The lady shopper didn't let Nano out of her hands. Walked straight to the cashier with her and whipped out her credit card to pay for the baby although I did overhear her ask "It's not too small, right?" to her shopping companion who was waiting by the counter. She didn't even bother to "test drive" the bag! Winner!! :) I do hope though that she doesn't regret her decision to buy the bag. It is soooo cute! I can only watch her with envy as she became the proud owner of that Nano :)  I still would've loved one, and if only I had the $$$, I'd have gone for it.  But I'm happy for her :) She got herself a really lovely Celine Nano Luggage. One of the best combinations I've seen!

Ahhh... today, my wallet and its contents are intact. I walked away with the experience of having the python Nano for a few minutes and a wonderful experience of testing out that "theory" of "if-I-put-it-down-someone-else-will-buy-it-so-I-will-buy-it-without-a-second-thought".  LOL

Fun bag experiment/ experience this was though :) Tell me, do you know how it feels to be on either end of this bag "tug-of-war"? :)

P.S.  Hahaha, the mini luggage in python is still available though-- at least as of the time I walked out of the store :)
